Poker Primer
Common Poker Terms

If you're going to walk the walk, then it helps to talk the talk. There are many Poker-specific words and phrases in use at tables around the world, and it would be a full-time job just to memorize them all. Here is a list of the most commonly used words in the language of Poker. You'll pick the rest up as you become a more experienced player.

A - C | D - N | O - Z
Action Making one of the approved Poker "moves" including: draw, fold, check, call, bet or raise.
All In When your bet includes all of your available chips, and you have none left in reserve, you are "All In".
Ante An agreed upon amount that each player puts into the pot before each hand is played.
Bet The amount that you place into the pot as your wager.
Blind A bet that is made before any cards are dealt. This is different than the Ante and only occurs in certain types of Poker.
Blind Game A Poker game where a Blind bet is required.
Board Two cards which are deal face up on the table and are for the common use of all players. Only used in some games of Poker. Sometimes called a "Board Card".
Button A player who is seated at the designated dealer position.
Buy-In The minimum amount of money needed to sit down and play.
Cards Speak The actual face value of a hand once it is laid down on the table as opposed to what the player said he was holding. A common phrase is "Let the cards speak".
Cap An agreed upon maximum for the number of raises during any hand.
Check A player who "Checks" waives their right to start the bet in any round, but reserves the right to place a bet later in the round if someone else places an initial bet.
Check Raise A player who "Check Raises" waives the right to place an opening bet, but reserves the right to raise or increase the bet by at least the amount of the opening bet when it comes to be their turn again.
Collection The house fee charged each player in a game.
Collection Drop A fee charged for each hand that is dealt.
Common Card If there are insufficient cards left in the deck to deal to all players in a game of Five or Seven Card Stud, one card may be dealt face up to be used by all players at the showdown.
Community Cards These are cards which are dealt face up in the center of the table during Texas Hold'Em and Omaha Poker.
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Discard In Draw Poker these are the cards which are taken out of your hand and will be replaced by new cards that the dealer gives you.
Downcards Cards which are dealt face-down in Five or Seven Card Stud.
Draw A version of Poker where players are dealt five cards and may discard up to three (4 in some cases) and replace them with new cards from the deck.
Facecard A King, Queen, or Jack of any suit.
Flop A term used in Texas Hold'Em and Omaha Poker to indicate the three community cards that are turned up after the first round of betting.
Flush A hand which contains any five cards of the same suit.
Fold This term indicates that you are dropping out of the current hand and no longer have an opportunity to bet or win.
Full House A hand which contains three of a kind and a pair.
Hand This term refers to the cards which you are currently playing.
Hole Cards Cards which are dealt face down (in the "hole").
Kicker The highest unpaired card that helps determine the value of a five-card Poker hand.
Lowball A game of Draw Poker where the lowest hand wins.
Lowcard The lowest up card in a game of Seven Card Stud which is required to place a bet.
Miscall A wrong verbal declaration of the ranking of a hand. (See Cards Speak).
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Opener The player who made the first bet.
Openers In draw poker the rules may state that in order to open the round of betting you must hold a pair of Jacks or higher. This is referred to as "Jacks or Better".
Pot Limit Players may bet any amount of chips that they have up to the amount that is currently in the pot.
Raise This is the act of placing a bet which is larger than the bet that was placed by the previous player. When raising, you meet the other player's bet and then add more money to it. This becomes the new bet that the next player must meet in order to stay in the game.
Reraise The act of raising someone else's raise.
Scoop Winning both the high and low pots in a split pot or high-low game.
Showdown Where everyone lays their hand down to determine the winner at the end of the round.
Straight Five consecutive cards of any suit.
Straight Flush Five consecutive cards of the same suit.
Table Stakes Either the total amount of money that you have on the table, or the requirement that no player can wager more money that they had on the table at the start of the game.
Upcards Cards that are dealt face up in Five or Seven Card Stud.

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